Neighborhoods that have the highest risk of lead poisoning in CT

Posted by Andrew Ba Tran on April 8, 2016

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Andrew Ba Tran

Senior Data Editor |

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Neighborhoods that have the highest risk of lead poisoning in CT

This was one of the final stories in a series looking at the quality of drinking water and lead risks in Connecticut communities.

This story in particular was an attempt to localize a story written at Their script was written in Python and it took me the morning to translate it to R. Then I wrote my own version of the story, created my own graphics, and did some additional demographic analysis to see if their risk map correlated with the rate of lead-poisoned children.

The other stories in the series:

  • Where lead was detected in Connecticut’s drinking water [story] [Documentation]

  • Most CT schools don’t test water for lead, but that could change [story]

  • Where children suffer from lead poisoning in Connecticut [story]

  • Drinking water violations across Connecticut [story and database]

The database for this last listed link was created by my colleague because there were so many rows of data that pulling it in normally would not be feasible.
