Joining data
Class 10 | Mar. 29, 2017 |
Joining data
Readings from homework
- A night in Boston
- Data munging (Renaming, mutating, merging, working with dates and cleaning text)
- The bars where drivers got drunk before OUI arrests
- Underfoot, out of reach [Slides]
- R script - Munging data: dplyr recap, merging data, reshaping, working with dates, cleaning text
- Joining data
- Replicating of Bristol Herald Courrier’s investigation
Homework - Personal data visualization presentation
- Each student will present their data visualization for 5 minutes each in class April 5 (40 percent)
- You can use drawings, audio, images, slides, video, plotly, google sheets, R, etc
- Due March 30 (tomorrow) - Email your idea(s) for what you’re going to track (20 percent)
- Due before class April 5 (in your hw folder or emailed to me) - The data you used to make your visualization (40 percent)
Research and gather data about yourself and keep a data diary for a week. It can be virtually about anything that starts with an interesting question to answer: your browsing behavior, the amount of calories you eat per day, how many songs and which type of songs do you listen to when you commute, how much news you consume per day, how much money you spend on weekends versus weekdays, how much time you spend at the School, your Twitter data about a topic, etc.
The purpose of this exercise is for you to discover how much data is available and learn something about yourself that you can tell us or show us with data in the next class. Present your data diary in a) a compelling way that summarizes your discovery (you can use browser extensions, drawings, audio, images, slides, text, video, websites like this one, etc.), and b) explain how you chose, found and organized the data.
Longer stuff that turn into full projects:
- Dear Data project (drawings in postcards)
- 100 days without fear (this turned into a video blog)
- Bonus track: Six ways to graph your daily life